A safe and loving environment is the top priority of the Preschool & Kid's Ministries at Central. That's why we have chosen KidCheck to bring you the best experience at check-in and to provide you as parents the ability to team with us to keep them safe.

Signing up for KidCheck is easy and free for parents. Once you've created your KidCheck account, you can add your children and other guardians to make it easy for Central to identify them.

Where Can you Create Your Account?

You can create your account from anywhere with an internet connection or using the KidCheck mobile app from your smartphone or tablet.

Instructions for Creating Your Account

Click on here.
Click on the 'Create Your KidCheck Account' tab.
Type in at least one phone number and click 'Search'
If no account is found, then you will click on the link to create your new account.
Enter your basic information including your cell phone number, your own username and password. Make sure that you enable text message alerts so that we are able to contact you in an event of an emergency.

Who will create an account?

EACH parent and EACH guardian must have an account. One parent will create a log-in account (account with a username and password), add their children, then add their spouse as an Authorized Guardian. This creates a Guardian Account for the second parent and any other listed guardians.

You need to click on each guardian and add all other guardians under their account too (including the other parent) so that you have completed the circle. This way no matter who checks in your child(ren) all of your guardians will be listed and able to check them out..

How do those listed as a guardian create an account?

Everyone listed on your guardian list needs to create their account by typing in their cell phone. This will pull up their 'Guardian Account'. They will complete any missing information and set-up their own account username/password, but MUST make sure that they list anyone authorized to pick-up the kids under the 'Guardians' tab including the parents of the child(ren).

Do you list your children under EACH account?

No, the children will ONLY be listed under the Primary Account. The kids are automatically listed on the other guardian accounts.

Who can pick-up/drop-off my children?

Anyone that you trust, but they must have an account that list the parents and anyone else under the 'Guardian' tab for others to be able to pick-up. We will be checking that anyone picking up a child has (1) the guardian receipt, which you will receive at check-in, and (2) is listed on the 'Authorized to Check-Out' list.

How do I get a physical or electronic copy of the guardian receipt?

The guardian that checks the child(ren) in will receive a physical copy of the guardian receipt. That individual will also receive an electronic copy on the KidCheck app if they have downloaded it on their smartphone. This electronic copy can be sent to another guardian, if needed. Either form is acceptable for pick-up.


Under 'My Account' Tab

  • 'My Profile' Tab:  Provides you with the ability to keep your basic information updated including your address and phone numbers.  We also ask that you take a few minutes to upload pictures of you and your kids to assist us in easily recognizing everyone. 
  • "Kids' Tab:  List all kids birth through 5th grade on the Primary Account holder ONLY.  No need to list 6th grade & up.  Only one (1) account holder will add the children.  Others will be linked to them as guardians.
  • 'Guardians' Tab:  Include here any person who has your permission to pick up your child besides yourself.  Make sure to include your spouse and older siblings, grandparents, in-laws, etc. IF you want them to be able to drop-off/pick-up.  This is also where you can add unauthorized individuals by adding them as a guardian and then changing their authorization to 'Not Authorized'.
  • 'Preferences' (person icon at top right):  You can manage your account including your password and username.



Please contact us with any questions at or .