Men's Weekly Spiritual Challenge

A Leader and Courage

Posted by Dean Gage

I Corinthians 16:13-14 “Be on your guard stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.” 

This Biblical principle is fundamental to our leadership at home, at work, at church, and in our daily lives. The six bullet points below were gathered from employees to their boss but apply particularly to each of us in our work and families. They were printed in the best-selling handbook, Listen Up, Leader! As you read them, think about how they apply to you as a leader:

 “A Leader and Courage”

I Corinthians 16:13-14

  • We’re depending on you to exhibit the courage it takes to clear the way for our success. If you want us to follow you, especially in challenging times, you need to.
  • Have the courage to accept responsibility and not look for excuses to blame others.
  • Have the courage to take some risks. Yes, we want you to take risks, as long as they are well thought out and the end result is worth the price we have to pay.
  • Have the courage to stand for what is right, not just what is convenient. We need for you to set the example.
  • Have the courage to give us the freedom to be successful. We want to be the best in our positions and at what we do just like you.
  • It requires courage to take a stand and accept responsibility as our leader. Just remember that the result of your courage is the influence that you have on us. Please don’t take that lightly.

Men and leaders of courage are always on guard, stand firm in the faith, are strong, and do everything in love. Examine yourself against this Scripture and these six points.