Adult Life Groups
March 9, 2025
Last month on June 29, I wrote a Leadership Challenge titled, “A Leader and Armadillos.” It related to my unsuccessful attempts to catch and destroy an armadillo which was ruining the expensive new shrubs and flower beds at my home. The analogy was made to the devil prowling around our lives like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. I am happy to report this week that the “devil armadillo” prowling around my house at night and destroying my new shrubs has finally been caught, properly dealt with and removed from my life. So, how did I do it and how does it relate to the Christian principle in our Scripture this week.
First, I did more reading and research to determine the tactics, patterns and nature of the enemy armadillo. Google knows almost everything and gave me great information and direction. Armadillos have an acute sense of smell which is the reason they dig their way to food and destroy anything in the way. They work in the dark and are afraid of light which is one way to expose and deter them. They also have very poor eyesight and can be enticed into a live trap at night. This is particularly true when their pattern of behavior and travel can be detected. I used this information to set a live trap close to the outside brick wall of my house where my favorite armadillo had been traveling and tearing up my shrubs. He followed his pattern of attack and walked right into the trap I had set for him. Our enemy, the devil, is much like this armadillo and has a keen sense of smell to attack us where there is fertile ground and weakness. He smells us out. He attacks in the dark and is fearful of light. Our information on how to catch and defeat him is not Google, but God’s Word. His eyesight is not as good as his smell and the light of Jesus exposes him for us to rid him of his destructive attacks. Just like the final disposition of the devil will be, this armadillo has been permanently defeated from my life and home. I promise you that he is not in armadillo heaven because he never turned from his sinful life. What armadillo has rooted around in your life and needs to be caught and given a proper disposition? Take action today to stop his damage and destruction.