Men's Weekly Spiritual Challenge

A Leader’s Family Impact

Posted by Dean Gage

I Timothy 5:8 But if anyone does not provide for his family, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”    

There is not a more direct verse in all of Scripture than this one to address the issue of a man to lead and impact his family.  Most of you reading this Challenge are a husband, father or grandfather.  I want to address your impact and leadership on the children and grandchildren in your family.  This verse refers to our impact and provision for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs they have.  When you decided to have a family, you became obligated and responsible to lead and impact them.  I believe the first impact is to teach them God’s Word and the ways of the Lord.  As they grow, you are to be their spiritual mentor who teaches them and shares your Christian walk with them.  You must make yourself available and approachable and make intentional time for them.  Love for them is often spelled “time with them.”  It shows them that they are priority and that you care.  They will remember this as they grow up and see your impact in their lives.  This is true for both fathers and grandfathers. 

A Leaders Family Impact 

I Timothy 5:8

One of the greatest impacts that you can have is to learn to listen to your children and grandchildren.  Oh yes, don’t stop listening to your wife either.  To just hear is not the same as truly listening.  When you listen, they know you care, are interested in them and want what is best for them.  They want us to see the world through their eyes and not necessarily fix everything.  These times of presence and listening can have eternal impacts on them.  Some fathers have said that quality time is more important than quantity of time.  That is a “cop out.”  If you don’t have quantity of time, you may well miss quality time and you never know when it will arise.  Quantity time is like making a monetary deposit into you savings account.  If you don’t make these deposits, you will not have dividends to realize and enjoy and stay away from bankruptcy.  You will not take any of your material or monetary investments to heaven with you and you have never seen a hearse pulling a Uhaul trailer.  Your generation reaching the next generation will see those whom you have impacted for Christ following you to heaven.  Put them in your trailer and drive ahead. You could have no greater impact and investment than this.