Adult Life Groups
January 26, 2025
In the trying times in which we live today, the opportunities for a man to lead in all areas of his life and particularly in his family have never been greater. I have used this verse of Scripture from Paul to the Corinthian church multiple time over the years. However, I want us to now think about it in light of the title of our Challenge this week. There are four very important and timely words in this title. Godly, Lead, Example and Christ. All four words are integrated and interwoven to describe how a Christian man should lead in today’s culture. First, the word “Godly” signifies and gives evidence of a mature disciple walking in and living out the character of Christ in his daily life. A godly man works hard and obediently to build the character traits of Christ into his own personal character – to become a mature disciple. The second word is “Lead” which is an action word and active call on every man who accepts Christ. This is not optional, as many men think. Rather, it is a mandated responsibility of action and accountability. Passive leadership is not leadership.
The third word is “Example” which means to live and lead an exemplary Christian life that shows others the way to follow and lead their own lives. Remember that those whom you lead will follow your example. Who is your example of a leader that you follow? This should be answered by the fourth word, “Christ.” Is He the example that you follow as Paul communicated in our verse this week? Paul wrote this principle over fourteen times in his letters, so it must be important. It was very important at the time because the Gospels had not yet been written. So, how could people know what a Christian was? They had to see Christ living in a life. This is what others should see in our lives. Paul got this from Jesus who said in John 13:15 “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” What a clear command to us today! It is a given that the most powerful form of leadership is to “lead by example.” People today are crying for an example to follow and they seem to get harder to find in every walk of life. You be one – an example of Christ, Jesus with skin on. Will you accept the challenge?