Men's Weekly Spiritual Challenge

How Leaders Build Their House

Posted by Dean Gage

Psalm 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.

What kind of a house or home are you building? When we get married, we begin on day one to build a house or home for those who will live in it with us – our family. My wife and I have been married for almost 56 years. How have we made it for 56 years? Oh, our house has had to have maintenance, renovations, repairs, and updating, but it has always been built on the Lord and His Word. It has lasted, thrived, and provided a discipleship training center for both of us and our children because we built it on the firm foundation and cornerstone of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:20 “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone.” Every house or building starts with a foundation and a cornerstone and there is no substitute for Jesus Christ. You cannot build the walls and roof without first laying down the foundation to hold them up.

 “How Leaders Build Their House”

Psalm 127:1

The walls are next and are to be anchored to the foundation. We need to build walls of protection for the safety of all who live inside. These are to protect us from the enemies of this world who are constantly attacking to get inside. We put locks on the doors and windows for security and the choice to open or close them is ours to make. This is your responsibility. Next comes the roof to seal the house and to shield us from the harmful elements of our environment. Then, we add water and electricity. Jesus is the living water and our source of the water needed to sustain life and cleanse. It is connected to a septic system to remove waste and keep our house free of harmful elements. Electricity brings light, heating, and cooling for us to live in comfort and peace, and it powers all our appliances and electronic devices. It is analogous to the Holy Spirit which we must wire into every room of our house to become our communication link among all who live with us. All homes come with a warranty and an instruction manual, and a leader must study and use it to keep the house functioning properly. The Bible is this manual for every leader to read, meditate, and memorize as he follows the Lord, the master builder of his house. Who is the contractor that you are retaining to build your house?