Adult Life Groups
March 9, 2025
Psalm 33:12: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”
Last Sunday, we celebrated Independence Day or July 4th or the day of freedom for our country. While we continue to face ongoing and serious moral and spiritual issues, none of us would trade places to live in most other nations around the world. Just look at how many immigrants are daily attempting to come to America for its freedoms and opportunities. Independence Day is an important reminder that freedom is not easily attained and continued as we look at the history of the world. Independence comes after dependence. We must remember that freedom and independence are not free and come at a cost, even with sacrifice and bloodshed. It is so easy for us to take this independence and freedom for granted. When we study the history of the world and biblical history, we find that NO nation has ever survived its own success. None has reached the top and stayed there permanently. When they rested on their own laurels and no longer depended on God, they were knocked off their pedestals. Israel and the Roman Empire are two examples that we should study to know why? And, could it happen to our nation? This is a timely question that we must be asking.
PSALM 33:12
There are two kinds of freedom and independence that apply to our nation and to us individually. One is derived from our standing in the world and is not permanent. The second is eternal and can never be taken away from us. This independence requires dependence and that dependence is on Jesus Christ and his sacrifice and shed blood on the cross. Why do we see people and our nation sinking before us today? It is due to a lack of dependence on the only One who truly give us independence and freedom from sin. The work of Jesus on the cross is the greatest sacrifice ever known and gives us eternal freedom. Again, could our freedom and independence be taken away from us like all the preceding nations? Absolutely! It can only be avoided if we return to making the one true God the Lord again. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” This should be personalized in your home as the leader to read, “Blessed is the home whose God is the Lord.” As goes the home, so goes the nation.