Men's Weekly Spiritual Challenge

Leaders and Warfare

Posted by Dean Gage

2 Chronicles 20:15  "Thus says the Lord to you, 'Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s.'”

We are all concerned about the current war in Europe with Putin and his Russian forces raging a horrific war on the innocent people of Ukraine like nothing seen since World War II. As we look at this warfare, we are reminded that leaders can wage war and that other leaders are then placed in a position of having to defend their own people. How they defend their people is often dictated by how good a leader they are in the raging battle. Are they strong and courageous like Joshua or weak like King Saul? The evil leader Hitler was responsible for World War II and the evil leader Putin is now responsible for what we see today. We see the leader of Ukraine standing strong and courageous but other world leaders not so strong and decisive. We all pray that World War III is not forthcoming, and we must remember that the battle is not ours but God’s.

 “Leaders and Warfare”

2 Chronicles 20:15

What does this mean for us as leaders of our families today? We are in spiritual warfare that has raged since Satan started the war in the garden with Adam and Eve. It is not a war that we declared or started, but one that has been declared on us. It is a dangerous war because the eternity of those whom we lead is at stake. The Old Testament accounts for so many wars and battles that they almost seem continuous and will be until Jesus returns. You and I are the leaders of record for the spiritual warfare we face in our own lives and families. We must be strong and courageous and lead from a position of strength in the Lord. Since the battle is His, we must follow His battle plan knowing that the victory is His. We cannot sit on the sidelines and watch the battles attack our families. We must be the leader of strength and courage to lead through enemy lines for the war is too dangerous to leave our members unprotected. As the great warrior and leader Joshua said, “Others may do what they want, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Lead like Joshua!”