Adult Life Groups
January 26, 2025
Ephesians 4:26-27 “Be angry and do not sin. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity.”
We would have to be living on another planet to not recognize that we live in an angry world today. It is an angry and explosive world characterized by the stress of the pandemic and degradation of the one true moral compass. The devil has captured this anger and we see and experience it lived out before us in mass shootings, murder, domestic and sexual abuses, gender deviations, divorce and family breakdown, government dysfunction, loss of civility and respect, road rage, and the list could go on and on. Anger gives the devil an opportunity to win and to produce evil and destructive consequences. This anger seems to have spread faster than the COVID 19 virus in our society. I have heard that we have lost our “common sense” and that is true. Most of all, we have lost our moral and spiritual compass.
Why do we, as leaders, need to address this issue? It is a responsibility as a leader of our homes, families, and workplace to control our anger and be an example of doing just that. When we give in to anger, we give the devil an opportunity. We cannot allow anger to control us, but we must rely on God’s Holy Spirit to control us. As a leader, your wife, children, and co-workers look to how you control anger. Anger in the home is the leading cause of divorce and strained relationships with children. Parental anger equals children anger. So, we are to be the example of how to not allow our anger to open the door for the devil to have an opportunity. He is standing there ready to jump on every opportunity and does not care who gets hurt. James 1:19-20 “Be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.” It is our responsibility to claim the righteousness of God. Remember This: “Leaders control anger and do not let anger control them.”