Adult Life Groups
March 9, 2025
Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.”
This commandment was given by God directly to Moses in the second book of the Bible. It is a part of God’s command for the proper functioning of a family. It is so important that Jesus repeated it in Matthew 15:4, with even a warning of not obeying. I was blessed to come from a Christian home where both my father and mother served as role models of this commandment. They lived it out with an obedience and love that lasted for years as their parents aged and lost their health. They honored them at family events, special occasions and daily life. They did not always agree with them on everything but they honored and loved them according to God’s command. The amazing thing is that my grandparents had done the same for their parents so my parents had role models of leadership to follow. My wife and I have carefully followed the same commitment for our parents and pray that our children and grandchildren will follow suit.
EXODUS 20:12
When parents become aged and in failing health, it often becomes harder because a role reversal can be required. In one sense, it seems like you are raising your parents once they have lost their ability to make the right choices and what is best for them. Perseverance and obedience with kind, gentle and firm resolve are in order. My wife and I had 27 years of these circumstances and found it to be more stressful than raising our own children. Three of our parents lived into their 90’s and through the same time when we were busy with our own children and grandchildren. One of our culture’s greatest failures today falls within this commandment and the lack of respect and honor in the family. Our American culture today often lags far behind some cultures that are not even Christian in keeping this commandment. Bottom Line: Take the leadership role in your home to honor your own father and mother, and even grandparents, and to show your children and grandchildren what it means to live out this commandment. It is God given, not man made.