Men's Weekly Spiritual Challenge

Leaders Know Their Destination

Posted by Dean Gage

Luke 6:39 “Jesus told them a parable: “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?”

Have you ever heard this statement? “If a man doesn’t where he is going, any road will get him there.” There is a follow up to this statement. When he gets to where he is going, just where will he be? As a Christian leader, you must know with certainty where you are going and be able to lead others. If not, it will be like the blind leading the blind. This lack of vision in leadership today is one of the major reasons we see so many people, families, and work settings blindly going down the wrong road and into a pit of disaster and even death. Our vision comes from following Jesus and God’s Word. It is a narrow road but the only one which leads to life and the final destination of eternity in heaven.

 “Jesus told them a parable: “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?”

LUKE 6:39

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself where you are going in life, work, and family? God plants a vision in the Christian’s heart to see ahead, plan ahead, and move ahead. Helen Keller who was blind and deaf from early childhood was asked if there was anything worse than being blind? She answered, “Oh yes, someone with sight, but no vision.” When we lack vision in our leadership, we are really the same as being blind. Do your children and wife know where you are going and is it a road they want to follow? I promise you that my children and grandchildren know where I am going because I am following Jesus. That is where I get my vision to remove blindness and I recommend it to you. If you feel somewhat blind of where you are going, ask the Lord for sight and vision. Psalm 146:8 “The Lord opens the eyes of the blind.” Be honest with God when you can’t see ahead and claim this verse in obedient faith. He will open your eyes so that you can open the eyes of those whom you lead. Where are you going and what is the destination?