Men's Weekly Spiritual Challenge

Leaders Know Their Work Assignment

Posted by Dean Gage

John 17:4 “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.'” 

Jesus spoke these words to God the Father just before He was crucified for us. How did He glorify His Father? He did so by accomplishing the work the Father gave Him to do: living a sinless life and sacrificing it on the cross for mankind. When we are in Jesus, we are also given work to do and an expectation to glorify Him through that work. Just as the Father carried out His redemptive work in His Son, Jesus. We, in His power, are able to carry out the work Jesus gives us to do. The question for each of us is this, “Are we doing the work God has given us to do?” The bottom line is spiritual leadership in every area of our daily lives. That’s the most important work He gives us to do.

 “Leaders Know Their Work Assignment”

John 17:4

We have spiritual work to do in our personal lives, our families, our career, our church, and our community. We will never accomplish all this work in our personal lives like Jesus but that is the reason He came and lived a perfect. Jesus became like us, so we could become like Him. We must live for Him and work to build his character in our lives and become more like Him. After this, our family should be our second priority. This work of leading our families requires our intentional spiritual leadership. It is our assignment to reach the next generation given to us to lead. As Christian men, we have a spiritual witness and responsibility to allow Christ to work through us in our workplace, church, and community. It is so easy to overlook what work God assigns us in these three areas, but we are to be His witnesses in each one. Now that Jesus has ascended into heaven, He is asking us to be His representatives here on earth to glorify him and accomplish the work He gives us to do. At the end of our lives, can we say to Jesus, “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do,"?