Men's Weekly Spiritual Challenge

Leaders Lead

Posted by Dean Gage

Colossians 2:6 As you have therefore received Christ Jesus, so walk (lead your life) in Him.”    

We have all heard many coaches in various sports make the comment that they have made the decision to return and focus on the basics of the sport. That is exactly what I want to do for us this week; return to the basics of leadershipThe first and foremost basic foundation is much like the title of our Challenge this week and is simply this: “Leaders lead or a leader is one who leads.”  Leadership is a proactive and active process and is not passiveThe first leader was Adam in the Garden who was passive and did not leadIf he had been a man who was leading, he would have spoken up and stopped Eve when she was temptedGod had earlier given him the command on what to doHe passively stood by, watched, disobeyed God’s command and then partook with herHe had a leadership responsibility but did not lead when the time to lead cameHe did not lead his life (our verse above) or his wife and his lack of leadership action still haunts us today.  Don’t be an Adam who did not lead and you will be tested every day. 

Leaders Lead

Colossians 2:6

There are more than 3,000 written definitions of leaders and leadership, but none that compare to the servant leadership example and life of Jesus ChristWhen we contrast Jesus to Adam, we see what a leader is compared to a man who was not a leaderJesus was always out front of his team actively leading by example and character to obey His FatherIt started with his own personal life and then applied to those whom he led.  Of the thousands of definitions of a leader, my choice is this: “Leaders have two important characteristics; first they are going somewhere and second, they are able to persuade others to go with them.”  This beautifully describes the leadership of Jesus and should also be our goalJesus knew at the early age of twelve years where he was going and was later able to persuade others to go with him – even todayIn Luke 2: 48-50, Jesus told his mother that he had to be about his Father’s business.  This is why near the time of his going to the cross he could say to his Father in John 17:4 “I have glorified You on earth, having accomplished the work You gave Me to do.”  This obedient leadership is why Jesus is able to still persuade others, including you and me, to go with himQuestion: “Today, are you a leader who leads and is accomplishing the work God has given you to do?”  How would you, your family, people at work or people in your church answer this question?  Or, how would God answer this about you?