Adult Life Groups
March 9, 2025
Proverbs 3:6 “In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths.”
I recently bought my wife a new car with all the bells, whistles, and safety features modern technology provides. They are called “Advanced Driving Assistance Systems.” These incredible features help the driver: 1) stay within their lane on the road and avoid blind spots or turning into another vehicle, 2) assist in staying straight in the driver’s lane, 3) warn when a danger is in front or behind the vehicle to avoid a collision and 4) smart cruise control slows the car when coming up on another car. The car even has a feature that detects when the driver is inattentive which is called a Driver Attention Warning. When the car is stopped and the motor is turned off, the car asks the driver to check if a person is left in the back seats. The bottom line for all these safety features is whether or not the driver acknowledges the systems and warnings. If the driver chooses to acknowledge them, the path ahead will be straight and safe.
By now, you can relate to the analogy of our following Jesus in the Christian life and leadership down the road we travel. If we try to turn to the right or left, he warns us just like the flashing light and warning sound when we almost have a wreck by turning into danger that is outside the lane that God has for us follow. When we attempt to drive too fast and not pay attention to the road ahead, he slows us down and alerts us to the danger of a rear-end collision. When something sneaks up on us from behind or in front, we are given an alarm to stop and avoid an accident. If we become inattentive to the road that he has chosen for us to travel, he will warn us to make corrections and become alert. We need to always look in the back seats of our lives to see if we have left something that should be removed. God’s “Advanced Driving Assistance System” is far superior to even those of man’s incredible technology. I have learned how to use the systems in my wife’s car by reading the manual, listening to instructional videos and obeying the warnings through experience. The same is required of us as we lead our lives and families down the road of life. We have the instructional manual (Bible) and the warning signals (Holy Spirit) to guide us in safety. “Acknowledge him as you travel and he will make straight your paths.”