Adult Life Groups
March 9, 2025
Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
I have no intention to focus each week on issues of great concern about the deterioration of our culture and nation. However, an alarming decision was made two weeks ago that caught my concern about how far our nation has fallen and how absolutely crucial our leadership is in our homes and families. The Biden administration and Defense Department made the announcement that all United States embassies around the world could now fly the “gay pride” flag under the American flag. This is an example of calling “evil good” and promoting a lifestyle that is in conflict with God’s Word and Christian values. This decision reflects what our children and grandchildren are now facing unless we teach and build truth into their hearts. It is clear that some countries with an American embassy may not allow this practice and will stand for correct moral values.
If there has ever been a time in our culture that requires leadership action on our part, that time is now. Your leadership in the home cannot be neglected and must be a priority. We are told in Psalm 119:11 “I have stored up Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Simply teach them truth (good) or someone will teach them error (evil). When the FBI teaches an agent how to identify fake or counterfeit currency, they first teach them to only know the real currency. If they really learn and know the true currency, they will be able to identify the fake or counterfeit. Our enemy who dwells on evil is the father of all lies, the fake, and the counterfeit. His approach for such action as the gay pride flag is to create an attitude of discrimination, sympathy and victimization. People who practice lifestyles under this flag already have the same rights we have, but now want special rights. Our culture is becoming desensitized and indifferent, but God is NOT. What if we asked our government to allow the Christian flag to be flown along with the American flag? I believe we know the answer. I leave you with a quote from Billy Graham: “Our culture tries to avoid any possibility of offending anyone, EXCEPT GOD! Look at what God’s Word tells us in our Scripture for this week: WOE to those who call good evil and evil good.” Teach and live truth every day.