Adult Life Groups
March 9, 2025
We cannot live in the world today without being concerned about the divisions that separate us in almost every walk of life. This worldwide impact is nothing new and continues to be the warfare between good and evil. We see what division or lack of unity does to families, churches, businesses, sports teams, governments, nations, racial tensions and individual relationships. One of our Founding Fathers of the United States, John Dickinson, wrote the famous phrase, “United we stand, divided we fall.” He did not originate this phrase. The principle is biblical from the mouth of Jesus found in our Scripture this week in the book of Mark. The Bible is full of examples of being united and being divided and the consequences and outcomes of both. It is a historical and biblical account of God and man dealing with the eternal issue of man being united with God or divided by following the enemy.
MARK 3:24-25
As leaders, we have the God-given responsibility to unite people and look for ways to make it happen. Marriages, home and families are torn apart when division arises and members are not led in the unity of Christ. That is why Jesus stated, “And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.” We are all concerned about the kingdom of America today and the serious issues that are driving us apart. The enemy is the great deceiver and liar and people often don’t realize that they are being drawn into his camp. The church and gospel of Jesus Christ is the only answer. As leaders, we must recognize this and be strong and courageous in our own lives and in our families, churches and workplaces. History shows that it has never been easy to stand strong. With the worldwide COVID pandemic, political turmoil and economic crises, the Christian leaders of today are the only hope and unity that offer an answer. As God told Moses, Joshua, David and Solomon, “Be strong and courageous and act………… I will never leave you or forsake you.” This is a command and a promise for each of us to follow, lead and live out.