Men's Weekly Spiritual Challenge

No Appointment Needed

Posted by Dean Gage

I Thessalonians 5: 17: “Pray without ceasing.”

We live a life of making appointments such as going to the physician, dentist, barber, car oil and filter change, home repairs, governmental agencies, and many others. There are times when these appointments are hard to get scheduled or we have to wait for an extended time. Some are made on an annual basis such as an annual physical or dental cleaning. Others are done on a worked-in schedule. We have emergency appointments which were not anticipated as they arise in daily life. We tend to get upset when we cannot get an appointment or the appointment has to be changed to a later date by the person we are seeking to see. Most medical appointments now require us to fill out forms or an electronic questionnaire before an appointment occurs.

 “Pray without ceasing.”


Our God is always available and we can speak to him at any time at any time and without delay or an appointment. He makes it easy for us. We don’t have to call and make an appointment. We just show up and talk with him. For the Christian, praying should be like breathing. It becomes an ongoing event without ceasing during the day. We don’t have to stop and get down on our knees and pray. We simply pray without ceasing like we do with breathing. When something happens in front of us, we pray for God to help us. This happens even in emergencies or personal confrontations. Yes, we should have a standing appointment time with the Lord each day but that is not the only time we should be praying. It’s like talking to your wife on a daily basis. If you don’t, you are in trouble and the relationship is hurt and stressed. We need answers to lead and make decisions. I believe that we miss some of these because we don’t ask. Remember James 4: 4 “You do not have, because you do not ask.” NO APPOINTMENT IS NEEDED, HE IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE.