Adult Life Groups
January 26, 2025
Colossians 1:18 “And He is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent.”
It is around this phrase that this passage of Scripture and our entire Christian walk should revolve. It is a purpose clause that means for this purpose that in everything Christ might be preeminent. As a leader, you must ask yourself “who is first in my life.” What right does He have to ask this of me? Jesus has four reasons that He has this right:
Colossians 1:18
Look at the three P’s: Present, Prominent or Preeminent. The question for each of us is this, “How much of Jesus is in you?” Which of these three words best describes your relationship with Jesus? I believe what Paul is saying to us is this, When Jesus is looking at us, He doesn’t want to see another god before Him – preeminent.
I could add a fourth word to these three relationships with Jesus and it would be Absent. Jesus cannot be preeminent, if He is absent. If you don’t know Him, you can change that relationship today by asking Him into your heart. You can then start with Present, move to Prominent, and then Preeminent. The decision is personal and in your hands. Make Jesus preeminent in ALL THINGS.
NOTE: Our church is taking a rest break from Life Groups for the month of July to rest, refresh and recharge. I have been writing these Challenges weekly since 2013 and will finally take a break for July. The next one will be the week of August 7, 2023.