The Training Program is a one-year discipleship program designed to grow your love of Scripture, expand your knowledge of God, and deepen your walk with Christ.

At Central, we think life-changing learning can happen within the church. That's the heart behind the Training Program. Not just for super-serious Christians, but for everyone.

The Training Program is a one-year discipleship program that immerses participants in the Bible, theology, and spiritual formation. Throughout the year, you’ll learn not only the Christian story, you’ll learn how you fit into it, and how Christ himself invites you to participate in a life of worship and mission.

What will we study?

The training program is custom-designed for you.
During the program, we’ll study the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and leave with a comprehensive grasp of the Bible’s storyline from creation to new creation. We’ll also study the historic beliefs and convictions of Christianity so we can know God more deeply, and so we can apply Scripture to our own life. And finally, we want participants to be able to understand the practices God has given to fuel, form, and give rest to their souls. If we’re to be faithful apprentices of Jesus, we have to learn from every area where he wants to teach us, and that’s what the Training Program is designed to do.

How much time will it take?

You can expect 3-4 hours total of homework and class each week.

The class meets once a week over two semesters. Class sessions consist of lectures, cohort discussions, and formation exercises.

An important aspect of the Training Program will be participating in a table cohort of approximately 8 people. Because we believe the nature of doing theology in community, the year will be spent in conversation with the cohort about what is learned in class. Making a commitment to the cohort is a foundational part of the learning experience.

Participants in the Training Program will be asked and held accountable to attend class faithfully and complete assignments throughout the duration of the program from August to May. Each week will hold required reading from the Scriptures and/or printed materials, as well as additional books spread throughout the course. Participants will be expected to complete written assignments as well as doctrinal statements throughout the program.

What does the schedule look like?

We follow a school calendar and gather for two semesters.

The program lasts one year, with a fall semester and a spring semester. The Training Program will take place at Central on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:30pm.

Are materials provided?
What about childcare?

Wednesday childcare and class materials are provided.

Central will provide both childcare and all the books and materials for participants in the Training Program. The only exception is the once-a-semester seminars, which meet one Saturday each semester. On that Saturday, childcare is not provided.

What is the seminary track?

A few students choose to go through the seminary track.

We're happy to partner with The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and offer seminary credit to participants. The seminary track is designed for those who want to go deeper in their learning and formation. It will require, approximately, double the reading and assignments and will be more technical in its overall scope.

Participants who pursue the seminary track will receive 24 hours of class credit at Southern Seminary through our Training Program. Future or current students will receive credit for Old Testament 1, Old Testament 2, New Testament 1, New Testament 2, Systematic Theology 1, Systematic Theology 2, Systematic Theology 3, and Personal Spiritual Disciplines.

When can I apply?

The application process has closed for 2023-2024. It will open again in April 2024. During that window, you can find the registration on this page.

Is the Training Program available online?

The Training Program is not available online.

Online education can be very helpful, but we've designed in-person experiences to be an essential part of the learning process within the Training Program. As a result, it's just not possible to offer the Training Program online without fundamentally changing it.


The application window for the 2023-2024 Training Program is closed. Applications for the 2024-2025 will begin in April 2024. For more information, please email .

Program Costs

The Training Program is open to anyone in the church college-age or above. The cost of the program is $500, which covers the cost of materials, books, and speakers. But in year one of the program we're offering a significant discount:

  • Training Program: $380 $500
  • College Students: $190 $500
  • Seminary Track: $2,000

The program is primarily for members of Central Church. If you are applying from another local church and you are accepted, the cost is $600 or $2500 for the seminary track.

We do not want cost to be a barrier, though, and generous givers have made limited scholarships available. Please contact us for more information.