Fall 2023 registration has closed

Through Central Sports Football, youth learn the fundamentals of football with an emphasis on proper ball handling, defense & offense strategies, general rules of the sport, and sportsmanship. Players of all skill levels are welcome to play in the Central Sports Football league.


Kids 4 years old through 6th grade are eligible for the Central Sports Football league. 

The kindergarten & 4 year old division plays flag football.

  • A jersey, shorts, and flag belt are provided for each player (included in registration fee).
  • Players should provide their own athletic (field) shoes.

The 1st through 6th grade divisions play 7-on-7 football.

  • A jersey, shorts, and arm sleeves are provided for each player (included in registration fee).
  • Players must provide their own athletic (field shoes) and soft-shell helmet (click HERE for an example).


Registration for the Fall 2023 season has now closed. 



Practices are held once a week at 5:30pm or 6:30pm on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday evenings from the week of August 29 through the week of October 31. The assigned practice time for each team will remain the same throughout the season. 

Football games will be held on Saturdays from September 16 through November 4. 

All practices and games are held on the fields by the pavilion.

League Information

  • Kindergarten division
    • Plays flag football in 6 vs. 6 format
    • Field has 2 end zones only (no other zones)
  • 1st-3rd grade & 4th-6th grade divisions
    • Plays 7-on-7, single hand touch football.
    • Field has end zone and 3 additional zones (Zone 3 is closest to end zone)
  • The offensive team begins the game and second half by taking possession of the ball at the starting-yard line.


  • Devotion will be led over the PA system.
  • The teams need to meet at midfield. Warm up time will be completed before the team meeting.
  • Visiting team calls the coin toss. The winning team chooses to play either offense or defense first.
  • The team that plays defense at the start of the first half will play offense at the start of the second half.
  • The team with possession at the end of the 1st and 3rd quarter will maintain possession at the start of the next quarter.
  • Kindergarten and 1st -3rd grade divisions can have ONE coach in the huddle throughout the season.
  • 4th-6th grade division can have ONE coach in the huddle for the first TWO games.

Game Clock

  • Four 8-minute quarters with a running clock and a 4-minute halftime
  • Substitutions will be briefly made at the conclusion of each quarter.
  • There are no timeouts during the game.
  • There is a 30-second play clock that starts after the referee spots the ball for play and blows the whistle.
  • The game clock only stops at the conclusion of quarters, at halftime and for injuries.
  • All divisions
    • Touchdown: 6 points
    • Extra point: 1 point from 5-yard line, 2 points from 10-yard line
  • 1st-3rd grade & 4th-6th grade divisions ONLY
    • Interception: 3 points (no points for interception on extra point)
    • Turnover on downs: 2 points
  • In the kindergarten division, the offensive team has four plays to gain a first down by crossing midfield.
  • Once a team crosses midfield, it has four plays to score a touchdown.
  • If the team fails to cross midfield in four downs or score a touchdown, the other team takes possession on its own 5-yard line.
  • In the 1st-3rd grade & 4th-6th grade divisions, the offensive team has 3 plays to gain a first down or a touchdown by crossing the first down lines, or to score a touchdown.
  • On fourth down, a team has two options.
    • A team may attempt to gain a first down or a touchdown. If a team fails to convert on fourth down, either by scoring or picking up a first down, the defensive team gains possession on the starting-yard line and 2 points.
    • A team may “punt” as its fourth-down play by notifying the referee. In this case, the ball will be placed on the starting-yard line and there will be a change of possession.
  • A minimum of three players must be on the line of scrimmage at every snap.
  • The referee will spot the ball on the line of scrimmage.
  • Only one player can be in motion when the ball is snapped.
  • In the 4th-6th grade division, the ball must be snapped between the legs to begin play.
  • In the kindergarten and 1st-3rd grade divisions, players may use the side snap.
  • Before handing off or passing, the quarterback must have complete possession of the ball.
  • The person who receives the snap from the center (under-center or shotgun) is considered the quarterback and cannot run the ball across the line of scrimmage.
  • A pitch from the quarterback can be executed immediately after the snap or on a delay (similar to the option play without the quarterback being able to advance the football).
    • The quarterback is the only player who can make the pitch. The pitch can occur at any time while behind the line of scrimmage.
    • Once the pitch is received, the ball carrier can run the ball, hand-off the ball (behind the line of scrimmage) or pass.
  • Direct handoffs behind the line of scrimmage are legal. Multiple handoffs may be used. After the ball crosses the line of scrimmage, handoffs and laterals are not permitted.
  • A player receiving a handoff or pitch can pass the ball (halfback pass) from behind the line of scrimmage.
  • A ball carrier may not dive. A dive will result in a penalty.
  • The ball carrier’s hips determine the spot of the football when a flag is pulled or a touch is made, not the location of the football.
  • All players are eligible to receive passes. The quarterback becomes eligible after a handoff or pitch.
  • A completion consists of a receiver gaining control of the football while having at least one foot in bounds.
  • If a player catches a pass with his knee(s) on the ground, the play is dead and the ball is spotted at the point of the completion.
  • All forward passes can be completed behind or beyond the line of scrimmage. Only one forward pass can be completed per play. Once the ball leaves the quarterback’s hand, the defender can make a play on the ball.
  • The quarterback has 7 seconds to throw a pass. If a pass is not thrown within 7 seconds, it is treated as an incomplete pass (loss of down). A handoff or pitch will end the 7-second pass count.

Play is ruled dead when one of the following occurs:

  • The ball carrier is touched with one hand of a defender.
  • The ball carrier steps out of bounds.
  • The ball carrier’s knee hits the ground.
  • A touchdown or safety is scored.
  • A pass falls incomplete.
  • At the point of an interception. When the defense intercepts pass, the play is whistled dead.
  • The ball hits the ground as a fumble. The ball will be spotted at the point of the fumble.
  • Teams may play man-to-man, zone defenses or combination of both.
  • Interceptions may not be returned.
  • 3 points will be awarded and the defensive team gains possession at the starting-yard line.
  • Rushing the Passer
    • In the kindergarten division, a beanbag will be placed 7 yards away from the line of scrimmage. Only 1 player may rush, and only if they are behind the bean bag before the snap.
    • In the 1st-3rd grade & 4th-6th grade division, there is no rushing. The quarterback has 7 seconds to pass or hand off the ball. Once the ball is handed off or pitched, the 7-yard rule is no longer in effect, and all defenders may cross the line of scrimmage to pursue the ball carrier.


  • Encroachment
    • The penalty is 5 yards from the line of scrimmage and REPLAY OF DOWN.
  • Illegal Rush
    • Kindergarten division: When a defensive player, who is not the rusher, crosses the line of scrimmage while the quarterback still has possession of the ball.
    • 1st-3rd grade & 4th-6th grade divisions: Enforced when defensive players cross the line of scrimmage while the quarterback still has possession of the ball. The penalty is 5 yards from the line of scrimmage and REPLAY OF DOWN.
  • Interference
    • The penalty is 10 yards from the line of scrimmage and an AUTOMATIC FIRST DOWN.
  • Illegal contact
    • Pulling the jersey, holding, blocking, pushing. The penalty is 10 yards from the line of scrimmage and an AUTOMATIC FIRST DOWN.
  • Illegal flag pull
    • Before the receiver catches the football. The penalty is 10 yards from the line of scrimmage and an AUTOMATIC FIRST DOWN.
  • Diving
    • Diving toward the ball carrier to pull a flag. The penalty is 10 yards from the spot of the foul and an AUTOMATIC FIRST DOWN.


  • Illegal motion
    • More than one person moving. The penalty is 5 yards from the line of scrimmage and REPLAY OF DOWN.
  • Illegal formation
    • Not enough men on the line of scrimmage. The penalty is 5 yards from the line of scrimmage and REPLAY OF DOWN.
  • Illegal pass
    • A pass is thrown after the ball carrier has crossed the line of scrimmage. The penalty is 5 yards from the line of scrimmage and a LOSS OF DOWN.
  • Delay of game
    • The penalty is 5 yards from the line of scrimmage and REPLAY OF DOWN.
  • Flag guarding (kindergarten division only)
    • Intentional or unintentional use of the arm to prevent the flag from being pulled. The penalty is 5 yards from the spot of the foul and a LOSS OF DOWN.
  • Illegal use of the hands
    • Blocking (stiff-arming in kindergarten division). The penalty is 10 yards from the spot of the foul and a LOSS OF DOWN.
  • Diving
    • Diving toward the end zone or first down. The penalty is 10 yards from the spot of the foul and a LOSS OF DOWN.

Do you have additional questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) guide!

Frequently asked questions

Need more info?

If you have questions, we'd love to help!
Contact Tyler Denton:

979.776.9977 ext 305

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