ready to join Central?

Find how to get started and why membership is an important part of our christian life.

The act of formally joining a church body seems to run counter to a world of infinite choices and a society that values personal freedom. While it may be tempting to "keep our options open" through regular church attendance without the commitment of membership, there are spiritual, emotional and practical benefits to joining a local church. 
Below you will find information regarding membership at Central. We encourage you to ask questions and visit with our ministerial staff prior to making this important decision.


Jesus established the church to be a public, earthly institution that would affirm and oversee those who believe in Him (Matt. 16:18-19, 18:15-20). As a church body, we display the Good News about Jesus to our community and beyond.

Church membership is a visible commitment to God and His people.
By joining, you are professing your love for God and fellow believers. God made us to live in community - to encourage, rebuke, correct and serve one another in love. We are better together because that's how God designed us!
Church membership brings us under the spiritual authority of church leaders.
Scripture repeatedly commands Christians to submit to their leaders (Hebrews 13:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13). The pastor and elders are, in turn, to faithfully lead their flock. To obey this command, it is necessary for us to publicly commit to being members of the flock by joining a local church.
Church membership allows you to play your role in the body of Christ.
Did you know that you are uniquely gifted? Each member of the body of Christ has gifts that are meant to be fully utilized in service to God and His people (Romans 12:4-8). When all parts of the body are serving as they are called, the entire body benefits and God is glorified (1 Peter 4:10-11).
Looking for a place to serve? We could use you - find out how to get plugged in!

Serve Opportunities

Not sure how you are gifted spiritually? Take a quick survey to find out.

Spiritual Gifts Survey

Who Can Join?

The following steps are necessary to become a member of Central:


Before joining, potential members must have made a profession of faith in Jesus as Lord in their lives.

More about Jesus


Baptism by water immersion should occur following a profession of faith.

More about Baptism


All new members are expected to attend a New Member Workshop where they will be given an overview of the beliefs and ministries of our church, meet with the church staff to ask questions, and learn how to get involved at Central using their God-given gifts and passions.

Workshop Details and Registration:

New Member Workshop - May 5 2024 11:00 AM

HOw do I get started?

At the end of each Sunday morning worship service is an invitation where prospective members can come forward. After the invitation, you will be introduced and then escorted to a short New Member Orientation. At the orientation, you will receive information concerning the steps to membership and a member orientation host will counsel you regarding your salvation experience. You will also fill out a short information card to be added to our church database.

Common questions

I am visiting for the first time. What should I expect?
We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you into the Central community!

What to Expect
What are the core beliefs of Central? What is this church all about?
Everything Central does is centered on three areas: The Gospel, Community, and Missions.

Learn about Central
How can I find out what is happening at Central?
The best place for information about what is happening at Central and within each ministry is right here on our website. We also suggest you join our email subscriptions list. You choose which ministries you are interested in and we'll deliver information directly to your inbox!

Calendar of Events

Email Subscriptions

I have other questions. Who do I contact?
We want to make sure you have answers to all your questions prior to making a commitment to membership. Contact our church offices during business hours, Monday through Thursday, 8:00am-5:00pm.

Contact Us

how do we express our faith?

When our lives are oriented to God, we are living in faith. One expression of this faith is choosing to follow the precepts (laws & commands) given to us through the Bible. Jesus gave the Church two visible symbols (called “ordinances”) as reminders of His death - baptism and the Lord's Supper. As Christians, we are also called to give willingly, generously and cheerfully.