
biblical advice for every stage in life

Becoming Intentional About Family Prayer

Becoming Intentional About Family Prayer

Prayer is simply a conversation with God. It is a way we communicate, worship, praise, and know our Heavenly Father. Individual prayer is powerful, but Scripture tells us there is a supernatural dynamic when we pray with others.

Why Pray at Home?

Creating a habit of praying together at home makes it much more likely you will:

  • grow in your connection to an all-powerful God
  • build a life-long, thriving marriage
  • increase marital trust, respect and intimacy
  • strengthen the relationship with your children and teens
  • nurture strong faith in the hearts of your children and teens
  • reduce the level of tension in your home

Prayer is simply a conversation with God. It is a way we communicate, worship, praise, and know our Heavenly Father. It is our dependence on the One who holds all things together. Individual prayer is powerful, but Scripture tells us there is a supernatural dynamic when we pray with others.

Jump-Start Prayers

Helpful ways to jump-start a prayer routine in your home

  • Silent Prayers: The easiest way to start a family prayer time is by praying together silently. Agree on a prayer list, join hands, and begin praying. As you become more comfortable with this process, try other prayer strategies.
  • High/Low Prayers: Have each person quickly share the high point and low point of their day. Hold hands, give thanks for the highs, and ask God for help with the lows.
  • Prayer Prompts: Encourage each person in the family to finish the following sentences:
    • God, I love and thank You because ...
    • God, I am sorry for ...
    • God, please help...
    • Lord, I trust You with ...

Prayer Reminder Tools

Ideas to make your prayer routine easier and more meaningful:

  • Prayer Board: Place a dry-erase board in a high traffic area of your home to keep a list of your family’s prayer needs and praises.
  • Prayer Journal: Purchase a journal for your family to start recording prayers. Consider a section for answered prayers to keep as a reminder of God’s goodness.
  • Prayer Card Basket: Rather than throwing away Christmas cards, birth and wedding announcements, etc., place them in a basket. Choose times to pick a card and pray for that person or family.

Family Routine

Incorporate prayer into your family culture of everyday life:

  • Meal Time: Take some time to share prayer requests during your meal. After everyone has finished eating, spend time praying over the requests.
  • Bedtime: The first person to go to bed alerts everyone else that it is time for family prayer.
  • On the Go: Use drive time and walks as intentional prayer time. Encourage everyone to share any requests, concerns or praises. Take time to pray together for things that were shared.

What to Say

There is not a right or wrong way to pray. Prayer is communication with our Heavenly Father. Choose what fits best for you and your family. Consider using an acrostic, as shown below, to help you and your family be more intentional as you pray.

PRAISE: Praise God for who He is and what He has done.
"Father, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come." Luke 11:2

Begin with a time of giving thanks and praise to God.

Almighty God, we recognize that You are our Creator and Provider. (Psalm 9:1, Psalm 100:4)
REQUEST: Request God's help for you, your family and others.
"Give us each day our daily bread." Luke 11:3

Take turns offering one sentence prayers for each request.

Father, You are the Giver of all good gifts. We bring our requests before You, Lord. We lift the following requests to You... (Philippians 4:6-7)
ADMIT: Confess your sins to God.
“Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.” Luke 11:4

Pause as each person silently confesses his/her own sins and failures.

Lord, You have promised to forgive those who confess their sins. We come before You and acknowledge the ways we have disobeyed. (1 John 1:9, Hebrews 10:22)
YIELD: Commit to His will and His way.
“And lead us not into temptation.” Luke 11:4

Describe specific areas (work, school, challenges, etc.) where you can depend on Him.

God, we put our trust in Your will, in Your timing and in Your way. Show us the way and what to do as we follow You. (Psalm 25:4-5, Proverbs 3:5-6)

Additional Prayer Resources

Did you know?

Statistics from Gallup and National Association of Marriage Enhancement report when couples prayed together on a daily basis, fewer than 1% would end up getting a divorce. This is amazing when the divorce rate in the general population is reportedly around 50%.

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