Faith Path: Family Time
Recommended Ages: 3+
Children are more likely to embrace your beliefs and values if they enjoy time with you. When your child reaches about three years old, it is a great time to establish a pattern of including fun family times in your schedule to foster communication, laughter and faith formation.
Create Intentional Moments
It is important to have a consistent routine of creating intentional moments that will help your family deepen relationships and have faith discussions. Regularly scheduled family time activities are a great way to make that happen. When your child reaches about three years old, it is a great time to establish a pattern of including fun family times in your schedule to foster communication, laughter, and faith formation.
For some families, this might be a particular night of the week after dinner. For another family, it might be after Saturday morning breakfast. Decide what works for your unique schedule and then protect that time. You might need to say “no” to some good things to make family times a priority. We suggest scheduling a family time experience weekly but no less than twice monthly. Setting and keeping a regular schedule will show commitment and value to all involved.
Plan for success by finding resources to help make your family times a great experience. As your child gets older, ask them if there are specific topics they would like to make a part of your time together and let them help plan your activities. Do not forget that the Bible is the most important resource God has given us to instill truth in the hearts and minds of our children. Find additional resources below.
Children are more likely to embrace your beliefs and values if they enjoy time with you. That is why family fun times are a great context for effective faith formation. Be creative by acting out scripture together, doing crafts, or walking through object lessons that reinforce spiritual themes. Avoid becoming overly serious, rigid, or stressed while leading family times. It is okay for kids to be silly, and it is important to fill your home with laughter.
Protect a day and time and let your child place the Family Time stickers included with this kit on the family calendar to help build anticipation. Play the Family Time song (LISTEN HERE) or choose a family theme song to gather everyone together. Spend a little time singing, silly dancing, swinging the kids, etc. to get everyone in the mood for the best part of the week.
Use the Just Like Air card (DOWNLOAD HERE) to test drive a fun activity together. Choose a tool that will provide object lesson activities to help you reinforce Biblical values and lessons on an ongoing basis. You can purchase a recommended resource or check one out at the library.
- Pick a family verse that you want to memorize and say together. Make up or use some fun games to learn the verse.
- Discuss a movie that is age appropriate for your child. Make some popcorn and watch the film together. Afterwards, have a “faith talk” about the choices of characters and other aspects of the story that catch your attention. Check out Movie Chats for more ideas.
- Share with your child something that God has been or is teaching you.
- Cook a meal together and use the time for sharing and talking.
- Take time to ask each member of the family to share his or her “high” and “low” of the day.
- Go on a family walk and spend the time praying for each other, the neighbors, or others.
- Capture family prayer requests using a prayer chart, list on the refrigerator, or a white board list.
- Create impromptu “God-moments” by taking advantage of unplanned and unscheduled opportunities to discuss your faith in the daily routine of life.
related resources
recommended books
Family Night Tool Chest (series)
By Heritage Builders
This collection of more than 70 family nights spring from a national movement designed to bring fun and spiritual growth together on a regular basis. Now you can join this growing network of families who are intent on passing a spiritual heritage to their children.
These ideas and activities have been tried and tested by families like yours. They are designed to make lasting impressions on children of all ages.
Pictured: Family Nights Introduction
Fun Filled Parenting
By Silvana Clark
Today's busy families often race from one activity to the next with meals, homework, chores, and discipline somehow fitting between the cracks. For families wanting to inject some fun back into their daily routines, Silvana Clark comes to the rescue. Although she can't promise parents a good night's sleep or extra hours in the day, she can give them all the tools they need to help foster a feeling of family fun and togetherness based on solid biblical teaching. Parents will welcome Clark's humorous stories of family life, as well as practical suggestions on discipline, bedtime, and homework. Fun-Filled Parenting takes the stress out of parenting by offering a myriad of ideas for spending time with children in a positive, fun way. This amazing book is for all parents who want to see their children develop into self-confident, positive adults with a strong sense of their spiritual roots.
About Faith path
We believe God designed the family to be the primary disciple-making relationship. In other words, God gave parents the privilege of nurturing faith in the next generation. That’s why the Faith Path was created. It's a step-by-step plan to help you be intentional as you prepare for key faith milestones and foster spiritual disciplines in your child’s faith journey. From parent dedication to leading your child to Christ to launching your young adult, the Faith Path resources are designed to assist you in discipling your children.