Faith Path: Launch
Recommended Ages: 18+

Whether your son or daughter is going off to college, joining the military, or entering the workforce, how can you be intentional about successfully launching them into a God honoring life?
Release Your Child to Embrace Independence
We have all heard the phrase “failure to launch” describing young men and women who do not make the transition into responsible adulthood. Unfortunately, many parents inadvertently keep their children from growing up due to overprotection and lack of intentionality. Whether your son or daughter is going off to college, joining the military, or entering the workforce, how can you be intentional about successfully launching them into a God honoring life?
For some families, this might be a particular night of the week after dinner. For another family, it might be after Saturday morning breakfast. Decide what works for your unique schedule and then protect that time. You might need to say “no” to some good things to make family times a priority. We suggest scheduling a family time experience weekly but no less than twice monthly. Setting and keeping a regular schedule will show commitment and value to all involved.
As the parent of an older teen on the verge of adulthood, you are a very important coach. You can motivate, encourage, challenge, and advise. You cannot force feed them. You can help them articulate what they believe, challenge their thinking, and remind them of the “basics” already learned during earlier years, but the time has come for your child to truly own his or her own beliefs and choices. Provide a listening ear as they wrestle with and possibly question the values they learned as a child. Try to maintain a strong relationship that includes frequent, open dialogue.
During the transition into adulthood, your son or daughter will face big questions including: Where should I go to college? What kind of work should I do? Where should I live? What should I do with my life? Who should I marry? Direct your child back to overarching Biblical principles. The last words of King David to his son Solomon in 1 Chronicles 28:9 provide a model for parents advising emerging adults. “And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind.” In the midst of the practical advice, parents may offer on setting goals, choosing a job, finding a spouse, and so forth. We must also elevate the importance of making decisions in light of the Scriptures.
Parents often go to extremes to help a child prepare for college or the workforce but do not know exactly what they can do when it comes to preparing them for the more important work of marriage and family. While a small minority will be called to life-long celibate service, most young people are called to marriage and family (Genesis 2:18-24). We sometimes overlook how much marriage and family serve as the organizing structure of life and the prime arena for our spiritual development. You have a vital part to play in helping your child leave your nest and cling to their future spouse.
While leaving home is a healthy and good process, it can be emotional for parent and child alike. Ease the pain by using the remaining time your son or daughter has at home to create lasting memories. Spend quality time together connecting and talking about the exciting adventure of adulthood.
Set your child up for the best opportunity to succeed and make an easy transition.
- Plan a special time together to discuss the Before You Leave card (DOWNLOAD HERE). Use the conversation to identify areas that might require some coaching before they leave.
- Choose a particular book or resource to go through together. Schedule coffee dates to talk through specific topics.
- Write a blessing letter to encourage your child. Let your child know that you are praying for them during this season of transition. Use the sample letter to get started (DOWNLOAD HERE).
recommended books
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Letting Them Go
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About Faith path
We believe God designed the family to be the primary disciple-making relationship. In other words, God gave parents the privilege of nurturing faith in the next generation. That’s why the Faith Path was created. It's a step-by-step plan to help you be intentional as you prepare for key faith milestones and foster spiritual disciplines in your child’s faith journey. From parent dedication to leading your child to Christ to launching your young adult, the Faith Path resources are designed to assist you in discipling your children.