
biblical advice for every stage in life

Family Time: Memorizing Scripture

Family Time: Memorizing Scripture

Memorizing verses or sections of Scripture together will deepen the spiritual journey of everyone in your family.

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Before the Journey

  • Decide on a goal. Memorizing one verse a week or a month as a family is a great place to start.
  • Set a family reward for each goal met; maybe a special place for dinner if everyone memorizes their verse.
  • Choose a verse or section of verses to start with. You can do shorter verses for younger members of the family and add more verses for older family members. Play around with it and see what fits best for your family.

Ready, set...memorize!

1. Pick a verse

Choose where you would like to start. Choose a topic that is relevant or take turns letting family members choose which verse they would like to memorize. Here is a list of some great verses to get you started: Ephesians 4:32, Philippians 4:13, Philippians 4:6-7, Romans 1:16, Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:16.

2. Have fun

Make it fun and be creative. Your family can use hand motions, play games or put the verse to music.

3. Write it

Write or print that verse several times and put it in some key places where your family will see it often. Some places to consider would be the mirror, the fridge and in the car.

4. Say it

Begin to recite your verse several times a day as a family. As you recite the verse, it is a great time to pray and ask God to embed that verse into your hearts and your minds not just so you would remember the words, but that you would put into practice the truth of the verse.

5. Live it

When a situation arises, use opportunities to recall Scripture that you are working on and help your family see how using that Scripture can help. For example: You might be working on Ephesians 4:32 and have some sibling quarrels. When an argument comes up, go back to your verse and talk about how you can be tenderhearted and forgive each other. This helps the Scripture come to life as you use it in real life situations.

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