Intentional Parenting

A good church is important in a child's spiritual journey, but faith is nurtured in the home. Parents should be intentional about raising their children up in the way they should go.
Giving a Strong Spiritual Legacy
Every believing parent hopes his or her child will embrace the faith and grow deep spiritual roots. Studies tell us that over half of those growing up in Christian homes will back away from Christian commitment by the time they leave the teen years. Too often, parents “outsource” the spiritual formation of their children to the church. While a good church is very important, God designed the family to be the primary place where faith is nurtured. Parents need to understand four principles that can help them become more intentional about their child’s faith.
The Scripture tells us that what we do today directly influences the multi-generational cycle of family traits, beliefs and actions for good or bad (Exodus 20:5-6, Psalm 78:5-8). Passing a strong faith to our children begins by having a strong faith ourselves. Modeling the gospel in our marriages is important to how we relate to those closest to us. Some of us need to break negative cycles that may have started with our own upbringing in order to launch a new, improved legacy for the next generation.

Jesus taught that our enemy’s primary weapon is deception. He strives to get us to believe and live according to lies rather than truth (John 8:44). When someone is deceived, he or she does not know it. Our children are growing up in a culture that bombards them with lies. An hour or two per week at church is no match for the hundreds of hours spent with media, school, and friends. Truth competes with a child’s fallen nature that often wants to rebel against what is good, true, and beautiful. It is the job of parents to equip children with the corrective “lenses” of truth so they can better navigate the deceptive roads of life.
Our children can only learn what we teach them in a manner that will reach them. In other words, we need to vary our approach based upon their unique personalities, learning styles, and most importantly, stages of development. Children fall into one of three stages that should guide the methods we choose for discussing our faith and values at home:
- The Imprint Period: (toddler to about age seven) Small children are all ears. They will believe because mom or dad said it much like a baby gosling that imprints itself onto its mother and follows wherever she leads. Young children soak in what we tell them. This is an ideal season for teaching basic Bible stories, memorization, and other building block truths of Christianity.
- The Impression Period: (about age eight to early teen) During this season, children no longer accept what we say at face value. They may question us, push back, or even argue. During this season, children do need to know what we believe. They also need help understanding the rationale behind those beliefs. While more work, this is a positive part of their faith development because it means they have grown past blind acceptance and are ready for deeper understanding.
- The Coaching Period (early teen to young adult) Our job changes when the kids enter the coaching period. We can motivate, encourage, challenge, and advise. We cannot force feed. We can help them clearly articulate what they believe, challenge their thinking, and remind them of the “basics” learned during the “practices” of the imprint and impression years. We can provide a safe environment in which to wrestle with—and even question—the values they have learned. Maintaining a strong relationship and frequent dialogue are the keys to your influence now.
In light of these realities, parents can become intentional about creating and capturing opportunities to nurture the roots of faith in their children.
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