How can we pray for you?

Prayer is the means by which we communicate with God. Through prayer, we align ourselves under the Lordship of God, demonstrating our absolute dependence on Him. God hears and answers our prayers. 

How to request prayer

All requests are shared with our Intercessory Prayer Team and staff.


Submit a request online using the form below.

By phone

Call us at

In person

Fill out a Connect Card on Sunday morning & drop into one of the collection boxes.

Email Us

Email your requests to

It is an honor and joy to pray over the needs of our community. When you submit a request using the form below, you choose whether your prayer will be published on our website.

  Share Your Prayer Request Here

will you pray with us?

When you pray for one of the requests above, be sure to click on the "I prayed for this" button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.

About Prayer

Prayer was an essential part of Jesus' life & should be in ours as well. In fact, we are to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Yet Christians in every stage of life struggle with knowing how to pray and what to pray for. Below are some resources to help strengthen your prayer life.

Becoming Intentional About Family Prayer

Prayer is simply a conversation with God. It is a way we communicate, worship, praise, and know our Heavenly Father. Individual prayer is powerful, but Scripture tells us there is a supernatural dynamic when we pray with others.

Faith Path: Prayer

One of the greatest things you can do is help your child develop a relationship with God through prayer. Nurture your child's faith by praying together as a family and guiding them in the practice of praying individually.

Praying with Your Wife

A frequent routine of prayer together dramatically reduces the likelihood of divorce by improving spiritual connection, marital trust and physical intimacy. Many men feel awkward about initiating prayer with their wives, but you don’t need to be a spiritual giant to lead in this area.

Praying with Your Kids

Get the keys to jump start your prayer life with your kids. There is no greater gift you can give your children than to pray with and over them - get started tonight!

additional prayer resources


Are you a prayer warrior? Join the Intercessory Prayer Team! Our heart is to support our staff, our church family and our community through intentional prayer.
Contact Tina Terral for additional information. 

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