Become intentional about Christ-like manhood

In a culture that runs counter to God's design for men, it takes intentionality to develop the kind of faith that moves mountains. The Tools for Men series provides resources for men of all ages & walks of life. Pursue God. Honor your calling. Leave a legacy.

Can we be honest?

How has your spiritual journey been lately? Have you taken time to consider where you could improve? Take a quick survey and set some goals with the Man Plan assessment.

Single Man

Many Christians wonder if they should move toward marriage or embrace the kind of single life the apostle Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 7. As an unmarried person, you have distinct opportunities to grow in your faith and substantial contributions to the kingdom. How can you best honor God in this time?

We become like those with whom we spend time. That is why mentor relationships are important for every man. Is it time to seek a mentor?

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Couples are not supposed to just stick it out and find a way to make their marriages survive. Every marriage is intended to be a masterpiece reflecting the marriage between God and His people. What are the priorities in building a God-honoring marriage?

Whether you are celebrating a wedding anniversary or just want to become more intentional about fostering intimacy, take time to dream up one new thing to do together for each year you have been married.

Every marriage is intended to reflect the living reality of the gospel. Using the provided checklist, plan a date night to discuss the purpose and challenges of marriage.

Every house demands attention: dirty windows, squeaky doors, broken blinds, and the like. These projects end up on what your wife might label a honey-do list. These are tasks she wants you to handle that may or may not match your own list of priorities. In like manner, every husband and wife have a different honey-do list when it comes to romance. What expressions of love carry the most meaning for your wife? How does her list differ from yours?

In Ephesians 5: 22-28, we learn how marriage is an earthly model of the relationship between Jesus Christ and the church. Husbands, what are some of the ways you try to show your wife sacrificial love? Wives, what are some of the ways you try to show you admire and respect your husband?

Need some ideas to rejuvenate your marriage? Jim and Patty, who have been married for 40 years, decided to do something different during their 41st year of marriage. Get inspiration and practical ideas on how to keep the spark alive in ways that will bless your marriage as well as those around you.

Every married couple needs to be intentional in communication, prayer, and spending quality time together. Map out a plan with your spouse for the coming year to strengthen your relationship.

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Father / Grandfather

The role of a parent is hard, but it is even harder to do alone. Although parenting children alone can be difficult, it can be rewarding.

Get the keys to jump start your prayer life with your kids. There is no greater gift you can give your children than to pray with and over them - get started tonight!

What we do today directly influences the multi-generational cycle of family traits, beliefs, and actions–for good or bad. It is the job of fathers to equip children with the corrective “lenses” of truth so they can better navigate the deceptive roads of life.

We are not called “grandparents” because we have been retired from the parenting process. We are called “grand” because we have been promoted. It is our job to support and reinforce the role of parents.

It can sometimes feel awkward to begin talking to a teenager, especially if your relationship has been rocky. It is important to find a way to sincerely listen to what matters to them. Get a list of practical questions to open communication lines with your teen.

Our kids are not rejecting our faith because our churches have bad doctrine or issues in youth ministry. They are rejecting our faith because they see their parents mouthing it but not living it. A leader clarifies purpose and casts vision. Are you leading your children?

How valuable is it for families to eat together regularly? The more often families eat together, the less likely kids are to drink, try drugs, or get depressed. They are more likely to do well in school and delay having sex. Develop strategies to become more intentional about gathering around your dinner table.

View All Parenting Resources

Looking for more information?

There is no more important role than spiritually guiding your household. Our Faith@Home resources are designed to help you become intentional about building a God-honoring home, one step at a time.

Faith@Home Resources

Raising up the next generation

Do you know how to disciple your children? God designed the family to be the primary place where faith is nurtured. Find the tools you need to guide your child’s faith journey.

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Need Prayer?

We are a praying church - let us know how we can pray for you today! Your requests are kept private to our prayer team and staff, who would be honored to pray for you. What a great truth to know that we can take our concerns and burdens straight to God. He hears all of our prayers.

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Find a Bible Study

Are you ready to learn more about God? Consider joining a Bible study at Central — we have options available for every age and stage of life!

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