If you have put your faith in Jesus, we want to celebrate with you! Every Sunday morning near the end of the worship service is a time of invitation — we welcome you to come forward to share the wonderful news of your salvation.
Becoming a follower of Christ means making public your profession of faith through baptism. Baptism is not required for your salvation. Rather, it is a public profession that you have put your faith in Jesus.
Another way to make your profession of faith public is to join a local church body. Joining a church means committing to a community of believers — growing in your own faith while encouraging and serving others.
God has equipped each of us with unique talents and gifts to be used to serve His kingdom on earth. Together, we become the body of Christ, the church. And just like our physical bodies, the church functions best when its parts — its people — are working together. There are so many areas at Central where we could use your gifts and talents.