A Difficult Marriage
Those who marry will have troubles. That is what Paul told the Corinthian church (1 Corinthians 7:28). Even the best couples can struggle to protect their marriage vows.
Those who marry will have troubles. That is what Paul told the Corinthian church (1 Corinthians 7:28). Even the best couples can struggle to protect their marriage vows.
Does someone you love seem to be self-destructing in addictive behavior? Are you watching a spouse, son, or daughter abandon everything that was once important to them because of drugs, alcohol, sex, or some other stimulant?
Prayer is simply a conversation with God. It is a way we communicate, worship, praise, and know our Heavenly Father. Individual prayer is powerful, but Scripture tells us there is a supernatural dynamic when we pray with others.
The Bible is more than a symbol or a relic. It is a spiritual road map, given to us by God, that must become part of the everyday fabric of our lives.
Stepfamilies can be hard work, but building and strengthening the relationship with step-children is well worth it.
Couples must be intentional when preparing for a God-honoring marriage.
It can be hard to watch a loved one age, but it can be equally as hard to care for an aging loved one. Here are some truths and encouragements in this difficult season.
Couples that are contemplating starting a family will be confronted with a materialistic and leisure-focused culture that tends to dwell on the challenges more than the joys of parenthood.